

ý announces homecoming week events, parade marshals


ý will celebrate Homecoming Week 2017 on Monday October 2 to Saturday, October 7, with the traditional parade, athletic contests and reunions. The theme, “True Blue Forever,” will be interwoven throughout the week of campus festivities.

The annual College pep rally will kick off homecoming week on Monday, October 2, at 8 p.m. in Sherman Gymnasium, when the homecoming court will be announced. Lively homecoming activities for students with refreshments, entertainment and giveaways are planned on campus throughout the week, including the annual Homecoming Student Follies talent show on Friday and a formal dance on Saturday. 

The ý Alumni Association Board of Directors will host the Alumni Wine and Cheese Reception on Friday, October 6, in the Alumni House from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. with live entertainment by John Love '16 and his band, "The Lovebirds."

Also on October 6, the Department of English will host an open house honoring Dr. Naomi Hahn, Pixley Professor of Humanities, from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Sturtevant Hall. Hahn is planning her retirement at the end of the academic year, after 36 years at IC. The open house will allow alumni and current students to meet with Hahn and the Department of English faculty while enjoying complimentary food and free books. 

On Saturday, October 7, alumni football players are invited to Breakfast with the Blueboys in Cummings Dining Hall, hosted by Conrad Noll III ’65 and Bobby Noll ’02

At 10 a.m., the annual Homecoming Parade begins in downtown Jacksonville and continues on a route to the Homecoming Celebration Tent. This year’s parade will be led by grand marshals, Steven ’77 and Betsy Huss Mills ’77, of Monticello, Illinois. 

As students at IC, Steve was a member of the Student Forum and participated in basketball and track; Betsy was on the cheerleading squad. Steve earned a B.S. degree in mathematics. Betsy was a Phi Beta Kappa graduate with B.A. degrees in Spanish and French. She earned a master’s degree in Spanish from Illinois State University.

Steve has served as a board member of both the ý Alumni Association and the Board of Trustees, having recently been named Chair of the ý Board of Trustees. He served as an alumni trustee from 2000 to 2005 and has served as a charter trustee since 2007. Steve retired from a long career with Archer Daniels Midland Company in 2012, having served in various executive roles, including Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President for Strategy and Development. He then joined Amyris, a biotechnology company, located in the San Francisco Bay area, serving as Chief Financial Officer until 2014. He currently consults with, and serves on the boards of, several corporate and non-profit organizations.

Betsy taught English and Spanish at Richland Community College and is involved in community volunteer work.They have two grown children and two grandchildren. 

Steve and Betsy established the Steven Mills and Elizabeth Huss Mills Scholarships to assist students from their Illinois hometowns of Bement and Beardstown in attending IC. They also support ýstudents through the Mills Experiential Learning Fund that provides funding for internships, student-faculty research and travel programs. 

Steve and Betsy are proud alumni who continue to believe deeply in the value of a liberal arts education. They are pleased to stay engaged with and support their alma mater.

Following the parade, the Donor Recognition Lunch begins at 11 a.m. in the Homecoming Celebration Tent for all ý donors who have made gifts of at least $50 this year. Also in the Homecoming Celebration Tent, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., a complimentary reception will honor the 34-year ý career of Karen Dean, Pixley Professor of Social Sciences and professor of political science, as she plans her retirement from ýthis year. 

In athletics, Lady Blues volleyball  will face off against St. Norbert College at 12 noon in Sherman Gymnasium, while the Blueboys take to the football field at 1 p.m. in their matchup against Cornell College. 

Reunions for the classes of 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2007 and 2012 are planned from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the True Blue Lounge. A Post-Game Celebration will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. in the Homecoming Celebration Tent featuring live entertainment provided by Chicago band, "Fletcher Rockwell." Beer, wine and food will be available for purchase immediately following the football game. Literary societies will be hosting cozies and huddles at various locations on campus from 4 to 6 p.m. 

There will be a tree dedication in memory of Kelley Davis Liljegren '93 at 4:15 p.m. on the Steuer Walkway in front of Memorial Gymnasium. Family, former classmates and friends of the late Kelley Davis Liljegren are invited to gather in front of Memorial Gym to dedicate a tree in her memory. Her husband, former ý instructor and coach Mike Liljegren, will offer remarks during the dedication ceremony. Kelley's family and ý friends donated funds to purchase the tree after Kelley lost her battle with cancer in the spring of 2017.

President Barbara A. Farley will host reunions for the classes of 1972, 1977 and 1982 from 7 to 9 p.m. in Barnes House. Hearty hors d'oeuvres, refreshments and musical entertainment will set the stage for an intimate gathering.

ý ý

Founded in 1829, ý is a residential liberal arts college fostering academic excellence rooted in opportunities for experiential learning while preparing students for lifelong success. The college is located in Jacksonville, Illinois. With an enrollment of more than 1,000 students, the college offers over 50 undergraduate programs. In 1932, the society of Phi Beta Kappa established a chapter at ý, and it remains one of only 11 in the state.

ý is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association.

Visit www.ic.edu for more information.

Media Contact Information
Emily Titsworth '19, Writer
Office of Marketing and Communication
217.245.3219 | emily.titsworth@ic.edu